Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dear Mom and Dad

I am sorry for not writing sooner. There has been so much going on that it's hard to take time to right. I have made it to my 20th season. I've been to Battlegrounds again. I've earned 5 marks so far. Sometimes it's confusing but I am enjoying myself.
I saw these shoes at the Auction House but they were way too expensive for me. I managed to get some of the materials, but I couldn't find a good tailor around when I was there, so I decided to learn how to make them myself. I had to stop studying Mining, I can pick that up again later if I want to. It took a lot of work and running around, but finally I got far enough along to make these and I love them!

Has Ctrlaltwow written you lately? He has some really big news.

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