Monday, June 14, 2010

Letter from Blizz reinstalling


Thank you for your patience and understanding while we investigated the situation that you reported. We have concluded our investigation of the account and apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused you.

After a thorough investigation, we have found this account to be eligible for restoration. The details of the characters and/or items restored are contained below. Please be aware that your computer may contain a malicious software program, such as a keylogger, or the account information and password may have been shared with others. In either case, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Password, and you will be responsible for all uses of your Password, whether or not authorized by you.

Also, note that the security of the Account is your responsibility.

Please take a moment to review the World of Warcraft Terms of Use at Prior to using World of Warcraft, we highly recommend following the on our Account Security site at

Account Name: some numbers
Realm: Earthen Ring
Character Name: Prills

Item(s) Restored:
Ancient Crown
Bone Fragments x5
Carrot on a Stick
Cave Crawler's Mail Treads
Deviate Hide Pack
Gaea's Cloak
Gahz'ridian Detector
Inventor's League Ring
Ironaya's Bracers
Jade Deflector
Journeyman's Backpack
Khan's Gloves
Large Knapsack
Netherstalker Armor
Nifty Stopwatch
Nightcrawlers x3
Onslaught Ring
Outrider Leggings
Plans: Thorium Belt
Praetorian Wristbands
Prismscale Hauberk
Protector Waistband
Rockshard Pauldrons
Rugged Hide x2
Rugged Leather x15
Scroll of Intellect V
Seal of Argas
Seared Mail Girdle
Sharpshooter Harquebus
Sniper Rifle
Thawpelt Sack
Thick Leather x12
Traveler's Leggings
Wizard's Hand
Worn Dragonscale x3
Zesty Clam Meat x3

Please note that items with random modifiers (of the Bear, of the Eagle, etc.) are randomly generated; therefore we are unable to guarantee that you will receive the same modifier you had on your original item. We are also unable to guarantee the restoration of trade skills, as well as enchantments or add-ons (such as gems, scopes, etc.) that your character's items may have possessed. While we will make every effort to provide assistance in cases of loss, please keep in mind that the decision to go forward with a restoration is entirely at Blizzard's discretion.

If you have any questions regarding your compromise, investigation, or restoration, please feel free to reply directly to this email. If you wish to provide feedback on any step of the process, you may do so by emailing .

Thank you for contacting us. We hope you continue to enjoy your experience in World of Warcraft!


Nancy N.
Game Master Enerilynn
Blizzard Entertainment

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