Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fun Evening Post Maintainence

Went crazy all day because the realms were down. Started an EU trial account but couldn't get the full version to load properly.

Did a random and my DPS sucked. Realized after that it was in part to the fact that my imp was on passive. I had encountered a flagged gnome mage who tried to get me to aggro him while I was doing dailies.

Logging started on 07/19/2010 at 18:44:01.
You joined channel.
19:38:03 [Aprillian]: Recount - DPS for Overall Data
19:38:03 [Aprillian]: 1. Naishee-Kargath  4453.3 (45.9%)
19:38:03 [Aprillian]: 2. Thewidgit-Llane  1928.5 (19.9%)
19:38:03 [Aprillian]: 3. Aprillian  1795.9 (18.5%)
19:38:03 [Aprillian]: 4. Shor-Aggramar  1509 (15.5%)
19:38:03 [Aprillian]: 5. Tristyn-Thunderhorn  0.9 (0%)

Logging started on 07/20/2010 at 19:41:54.
You joined channel.
20:23:46 [Aprillian]: Recount - DPS for Overall Data
20:23:46 [Aprillian]: 1. Kobrakahn-Thunderlord  3812.4 (33.9%)
20:23:46 [Aprillian]: 2. Frailex-Quel'Thalas  3159.8 (28.1%)
20:23:46 [Aprillian]: 3. Leechhorn-Laughing Skull  2553.4 (22.7%)
20:23:46 [Aprillian]: 4. Aprillian  1686.3 (15%)
20:23:46 [Aprillian]: 5. Hurtssoogood-Laughing Skull  15.5 (0.1%)
Got enough triumph badges to get some heirloom stuff.

Ran into an old friend at the main Horde tent in the Argent Tournament.

20:38:08 You bow before Zewt.
20:38:14 You hug Zewt.
20:38:19 You grovel before Zewt like a subservient peon.
20:38:23 You kneel before Zewt.
20:38:38 [Aprillian]: hello my lady?
20:38:50 [Aprillian]: It is an honor to be in your presence
20:39:05 [Mohrdeghast]: lol
20:39:07 [Aprillian]: I must say you are looking absolutely delicious
20:39:10 Mohrdeghast cheers at Trellis Morningsun!
20:39:16 You hug Mohrdeghast.
20:39:38 [Aprillian]: The air here in Argent Tournament smells better for your presence
20:39:50 [Aprillian]: especially down here
20:40:20 [Aprillian]: those shoulders look divine on you
20:40:52 [Dekojo]: Its better to save your fifteen dollars a month for a year and pay for a prostitute, than to roleplay your repressed sexuality. It won't help, i promise
20:41:39 [Aprillian]: are you doing something different with your hair
20:44:14 You wave goodbye to Zewt.  Farewell!


Anonymous said...

Hey Aprillian! This is Mohrdeghast from AIE.

I googled Mohrdeghast to see what would come up, and I found this blog post! Imagine my surprise to see a replay of something I saw in WoW! :)

Just wanted to say hi. I'll have to read your blog now that I found it.

Aprillian said...

Nice to see you here. I like seeing AIE members in "World" and saying hi.