Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dear Mom and Dad

I am so happy Jajal is on his way. He wrote me to tell me he is doing well. I went shopping for him. I've made a little bit of gold on the Auction House so I brought him some outfits. Of course he'll be picky about what he's wearing. I probably went overboard, but I've always loved spoiling him. I picked up this hat for myself, although I can't wear it yet. Don't I look adorable.

Has Ulia left for Eversong Woods yet? I might make a side trip over to see her.

I had a great battle this morning with some of my mates. There was a great Warlock named Ashayo, she has obtained Season 41 and she had her steed. She reminded me of you mother. There was also a hunter Tanis, Season 16 but with a great Cat pet. I had left Ctrlaltwow behind in Tranquilliem to rest a bit. We battled this two amazing giants, we were hired by this poster that read, Wanted: Knucklerot and Luzran. These guys were huge but the three of us brought them down. My Voidwallker, her name is Jhaznos, isn't that pretty?

Give my love to the little ones. Tell them to enjoy being children and to not rush to join me. I died several times today, it's not a lot of fun.


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