Friday, March 23, 2007

My Dearest Essl

Do not worry about Jajal, he is a good fighter and he will be just fine. Yes, I know about his "specialness" and I also know how well you looked after him, even as his little sister.

This land I've come to is fantastic and beautiful. You will love it when it is your turn to make the journey. I love being a Warlock, the power of the demons are strong within me. Mother was right to insist we females follow in her footsteps. Wait to you get your first imp, you will love her so much you probably won't even want a VoidWalker. Although my imp is quite the complainer. I now know why Mother never called forth her imp. I'm not sure if I will be ready to have a Succubus any time soon, although Mother's was so fierce.

Give my love to the others. And slip a note in the mail any time. I am sending you a pet dragonhawk Hatchling, take good care of it.

Love and kisses,

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