Saturday, January 30, 2010

Aprillian's Logs

So I realized I was crowding the show notes with my Elephant, decided to put it in this blog that I haven't used in over a year.

Remembered to fly up while doing the Cult of the damn and accepting the log in for LFG.

18:36:14 [Jawfist-Eredar]: 1. Aprillian-Earthen Ring 4607 (884.3, 44.6%)
18:36:14 [Jawfist-Eredar]: 2. Shizx-Lightning's Blade 3063 (595.9, 29.6%)
18:36:14 [Jawfist-Eredar]: 3. Shizy-Lightning's Blade 2654 (737.2, 25.7%)
18:36:29 [Jawfist-Eredar]: thats fight
18:36:41 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: yeah right
18:36:53 [Waroes-Lightning's Blade]: Recount - DPS for Slad'ran 18:35:08-18:35:48
18:36:53 [Waroes-Lightning's Blade]: 1. Shizx 4028.5 (44.6%)
18:36:53 [Waroes-Lightning's Blade]: 2. Aprillian-Earthen Ring 1717.4 (19%)
18:36:53 [Waroes-Lightning's Blade]: 3. Shizy 1669.1 (18.4%)
18:36:53 [Waroes-Lightning's Blade]: 4. Jawfist-Eredar 1556.6 (17.2%)
18:36:53 [Waroes-Lightning's Blade]: 5. Waroes 56.2 (0.6%)
18:36:57 [Jawfist-Eredar]: Recount - Damage Done for Overall Data
18:36:57 [Jawfist-Eredar]: 1. Shizx-Lightning's Blade 487916 (3643.9, 47.8%)
18:36:57 [Jawfist-Eredar]: 2. Aprillian-Earthen Ring 196435 (2037.3, 19.2%)
18:36:57 [Jawfist-Eredar]: 3. Jawfist 181977 (1440.0, 17.8%)
18:36:57 [Jawfist-Eredar]: 4. Shizy-Lightning's Blade 150186 (1545.3, 14.7%)
18:36:57 [Jawfist-Eredar]: 5. Waroes-Lightning's Blade 2100 (17.1, 0.2%)
18:37:00 [Jawfist-Eredar]: overall
18:37:14 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: it dont matter we'll make it through fine lol
18:37:30 [Jawfist-Eredar]: idc either
18:37:46 [Jawfist-Eredar]: been there done that
18:38:02 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: fuck bitches get paid
18:38:47 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: lolol
18:41:23 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: hehe
18:43:07 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: steve just called me
18:43:13 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: shit
18:43:14 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: lol
18:43:16 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: about what?
18:43:19 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: i think we forgot the snake one
18:43:20 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: gonna go hit other buttton
18:43:23 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: yeah
18:43:29 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: yeah lets keep going he'll catch up
18:43:30 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: i got it
18:43:37 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: i ignored the call
18:43:42 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: oh
18:43:53 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: prolly something about boarderlands
18:43:58 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: lol
18:43:59 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: i dunnno lol
18:44:17 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: watch pat
18:44:24 [Waroes-Lightning's Blade]: lock come inside
18:45:26 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: umm
18:45:27 [Jawfist-Eredar]: stun acheive??
18:45:29 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: ill get frist kick
18:45:33 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: k
18:45:35 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: i got 2nd then
18:45:36 [Waroes-Lightning's Blade]: yeah lets get achieve
18:45:38 [Jawfist-Eredar]: umm can i get first stun
18:45:42 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: ok
18:45:45 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: ill get the last one then
18:45:46 [Jawfist-Eredar]: sheild bash
18:45:48 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: kk, i get 3rd then
18:45:51 [Jawfist-Eredar]: we all get last one
18:45:57 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: ok yeah cause its fast
18:46:02 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: kk
18:46:03 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: unless we can out dps it lol
18:46:10 [Jawfist-Eredar]: we can try
18:46:12 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: i got 3rd transform
18:46:14 [Jawfist-Eredar]: imagine a lust
18:46:20 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: ok lets do it
18:46:24 [Jawfist-Eredar]: ready
18:46:29 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: yup
18:47:14 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: yeah fuck that
18:47:20 [Waroes-Lightning's Blade]: dps wasnt good enough
18:47:43 [Jawfist-Eredar]: oh well goodtry anyways
18:47:59 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: the group i did it with had me, geared ele shaman, warrior tank, holy pally and i dunno wut the other thing was
18:48:15 [Jawfist-Eredar]: u the rogue?
18:48:26 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: yeah
18:48:29 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: i said me at the begining i forget the other dps
18:52:16 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: yay i love being impaled
18:52:45 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: nice ring for ya
18:53:05 [Jawfist-Eredar]: kk gl all have fun
18:53:12 [Aprillian]: thanks
18:53:22 [Shizy-Lightning's Blade]: another 1?
18:53:34 [Shizx-Lightning's Blade]: im down

Logging started on 01/25/2010 at 10:15:24.
10:28:12 [Soursauce-Burning Legion]: can we rifle thru this shit
10:28:15 [Soursauce-Burning Legion]: i hate it so much
10:28:28 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: ur not the only one
10:30:34 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: does shamman have mana totem up?
10:30:39 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: yup
10:30:46 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: k
10:31:05 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: ill take it off so u can do BoW with Kings
10:31:27 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: buff it up
10:31:48 [Soursauce-Burning Legion]: i kings them either after u did or u didnt, can u give them bow
10:32:17 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: what u need now?
10:32:23 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: BoW and Kings
10:32:25 [Soursauce-Burning Legion]: healer needs bow
10:32:27 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: i took off mana totem
10:32:32 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: ty
10:33:08 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: no please i need mana totem on
10:33:26 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: mk
10:33:51 [Soursauce-Burning Legion]: we have my replenishment effect and your seal / judgement right?
10:34:18 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: yes but its not enough
10:37:56 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: lets blow by this guy
10:38:02 [Soursauce-Burning Legion]: ew
10:40:37 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: watch the area pull please
10:40:46 [Aprillian]: roger
10:41:51 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: say when
10:41:55 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: when
10:43:11 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: noy a bad mace
10:43:17 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: noy*
10:43:20 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: NOT*
10:43:26 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: no need to yell
10:43:30 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: lol
10:45:51 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: damn u brann
10:47:09 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: ok soursauce make sure we keep out concecrates in rotation
10:47:14 [Soursauce-Burning Legion]: k
10:47:16 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: for this next part
10:47:39 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: ill go first
10:51:19 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: watch the lazer
10:51:39 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: dont stand in fire
10:51:48 [Aprillian]: yeah, Iknow, didn't move fast enough
10:53:13 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: was stuck!
10:53:15 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: i got heals
10:53:26 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: nvm
10:53:38 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: nah u did good
10:53:52 [Aprillian]: I ss the healer LOL
10:53:54 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: haha
10:54:11 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: wel then well done to the lock for the SS
10:54:12 [Soursauce-Burning Legion]: thjrow kings on everyone
10:54:25 [Aprillian]: least I could do LOL
10:54:49 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: nah we are all doen quite well
10:54:58 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: cept myself, havent tanked in a while
10:55:12 [Soursauce-Burning Legion]: good keep this locked lol
10:55:18 [Soursauce-Burning Legion]: will ensure i wont get it today
10:55:27 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: lol
10:56:24 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: Recount - Damage Done for Overall Data
10:56:24 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: 1. Soursauce 3425134 (4197.8, 42%)
10:56:24 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: 2. Baudus-Quel'Thalas 1885700 (2839.7, 23.1%)
10:56:24 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: 3. Nëclamchowda-Malygos 1799224 (1761.8, 22%)
10:56:24 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: 4. Aprillian-Earthen Ring 977389 (1738.1, 11.9%)
10:56:24 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: 5. Etherboy 67136 (75.3, 0.8%)
10:56:30 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: k remember leave the adds alone just kill the big guy
10:56:44 [Aprillian]: k
10:57:39 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: Please NEED on Frozen Orb that way everyone has a chance at it.
10:57:41 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: Please NEED on Frozen Orb that way everyone has a chance at it.
10:57:42 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: Please NEED on Frozen Orb that way everyone has a chance at it.
10:58:19 [Aprillian]: thanks guys
10:58:23 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: ty
10:58:24 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: ty
10:58:38 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: good heals
10:58:39 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: Recount - Damage Done for Sjonnir The Ironshaper 10:57:07-10:57:41
10:58:39 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: 1. Baudus-Quel'Thalas 194572 (7140.3, 39.7%)
10:58:39 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: 2. Soursauce 172971 (5447.9, 35.3%)
10:58:39 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: 3. Nëclamchowda-Malygos 62285 (1795.5, 12.7%)
10:58:39 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: 4. Aprillian-Earthen Ring 55957 (1894.9, 11.4%)
10:58:39 [Etherboy-Burning Legion]: 5. Etherboy 4199 (123.4, 0.8%)
10:58:53 [Nëclamchowda-Malygos]: oh yeah Pally FTW
11:05:35 [Hanovarian]: (Hanovarian): OMW

Ran Pit of Saron:

12:10:31 [Aprillian]: Recount - DPS for Overall Data
12:10:31 [Aprillian]: 1. Shinadigans 3831.7 (32.4%)
12:10:31 [Aprillian]: 2. Maiyr 3628 (30.7%)
12:10:31 [Aprillian]: 3. Sarossa 2402.8 (20.3%)
12:10:31 [Aprillian]: 4. Aprillian 1915.6 (16.2%)
12:10:31 [Aprillian]: 5. Torukmaktto-Ragnaros 28.8 (0.2%)

In Upkarde Keep

11:37:08 [Tacoslayer-Shadowmoon]: Recount - Damage Done for Overall Data
11:37:08 [Tacoslayer-Shadowmoon]: 1. Limitbreaker 1928924 (4849.0, 49.8%)
11:37:08 [Tacoslayer-Shadowmoon]: 2. Tacoslayer 846170 (1846.8, 21.8%)
11:37:08 [Tacoslayer-Shadowmoon]: 3. Darthseven-Drakkari 706869 (2447.9, 18.2%)
11:37:08 [Tacoslayer-Shadowmoon]: 4. Aprillian-Earthen Ring 350689 (1139.6, 9%)
11:37:08 [Tacoslayer-Shadowmoon]: 5. Habersham-Malygos 37801 (99.3, 0.9%)
11:37:25 [Aprillian]: yeah I suck
11:37:33 [Aprillian]: doing the best I can
11:37:57 [Aprillian]: I've beenstudying
11:38:40 [Tacoslayer-Shadowmoon]: I think its safe to say you havent been studying how to play a warlock lolz
11:41:18 [Aprillian]: it's my gear score
11:41:29 [Aprillian]: It's not that I suck
11:41:37 [Aprillian]: I*t's that you are all so great
11:41:44 [Limitbreaker-Shadowmoon]: :P
11:41:56 [Limitbreaker-Shadowmoon]: /flex
11:44:29 [Aprillian]: thanks guys, sorry for sucking

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