Thursday, March 25, 2010

There's a lot of yelling in WoW

10:56:04 Ionar yells: No one is safe!
10:56:48 Ionar yells: Master... you have guests.
11:04:30 Loken yells: I have witnessed the rise and fall of empires... the birth and extinction of entire species... Over countless millennia the foolishness of mortals has remained the only constant. Your presence here confirms this.
11:04:50 Loken yells: My master has shown me the future, and you have no place in it. Azeroth will be reborn in darkness. Yogg-Saron shall be released! The Pantheon shall fall!
11:04:52 Loken yells: What hope is there for you? None!
11:05:10 Loken yells: You stare blindly into the abyss!
11:05:10 Loken yells: Come closer. I will make it quick.
11:05:22 Loken yells: Your ignorance is profound. Can you not see where this path leads?
11:05:26 Loken yells: You cannot hide from fate!
11:05:32 Loken yells: You cross the precipice of oblivion!
11:05:42 Loken yells: My death... heralds the end of this world.

Logging started on 03/21/2010 at 22:12:51.
22:24:09 Geirrvif yells: ALL HAIL Jerrff, CHAMPION OF VALHALAS!
22:29:03 Slad'ran yells: Drakkari gonna kill anybody who tressspasss on these landsss!
22:29:14 Slad'ran yells: Minionsss of the scale, heed my call!
22:29:21 Slad'ran yells: A thousssand fangsss gonna rend your flesh!
22:29:27 Slad'ran yells: You not breathin'? Good.
22:29:44 As Slad'ran falls, the altar set into the floor on his balcony begins to glow faintly.
22:29:44 Slad'ran yells: I sssee now... Ssscourge wasss not... our greatessst enemy....
22:35:07 Drakkari Elemental gathers its mojo and surges forward!
22:35:13 As the last remnants of the Drakkari Elemental seep into the ground, the altar set into the floor nearby begins to glow faintly.
22:39:21 Moorabi yells: We fought back da Scourge. What chance joo thinkin' JOO got?
22:39:31 Moorabi yells: Get ready for somethin'... much... BIGGAH!
22:39:40 Moorabi yells: Da ground gonna swallow you up!
22:39:42 Moorabi yells: Get ready for somethin'... much... BIGGAH!
22:39:52 Moorabi transforms into a Mammoth!
22:40:03 As Moorabi falls, the altar set into the floor on his balcony begins to glow faintly.
22:40:03 Moorabi yells: If our gods can die... den so can we....
22:42:55 Something stirs in the pool of mojo...
22:47:23 Gal'darah yells: I'm gonna spill your guts, mon!
22:47:30 Gal'darah yells: Gut them! Impale them!
22:47:53 Gal'darah yells: Ain't gonna be nothin' left after this!
22:48:30 Gal'darah yells: Even the mighty... can fall.

Logging started on 03/22/2010 at 10:37:56.
10:42:07 Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: Welcome, champions. Today, before the eyes of your leaders and peers, you will prove yourselves worthy combatants.
10:42:13 Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: You will first be facing three of the Grand Champions of the Tournament! These fierce contenders have beaten out all others to reach the pinnacle of skill in the joust.
10:42:16 The night elves of Darnassus cheer for Jaelyne Evensong.
10:42:19 The humans of Stormwind cheer for Marshal Jacob Alerius.
10:42:21 The dwarves of Ironforge begin a cheer for Lana Stouthammer.
10:42:26 Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: Begin!
10:44:36 The Horde spectators cheer for Torree.
10:44:48 Lana Stouthammer is trampled!
10:45:04 Lana Stouthammer is trampled!
10:45:06 The Horde spectators cheer for Swatch.
10:45:20 Lana Stouthammer is trampled!
10:45:36 Lana Stouthammer is trampled!
10:45:49 Marshal Jacob Alerius is trampled!
10:45:52 Lana Stouthammer is trampled!
10:46:36 The trolls of the Sen'jin Village begin a chant to celebrate Ironz.
10:47:05 The Horde spectators cheer for Ironz.
10:47:35 The blood elves of Silvermoon cheer for Swatch.
10:48:27 Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: Well fought! Your next challenge comes from the Crusade's own ranks. You will be tested against their considerable prowess.
10:48:47 Jaeren Sunsworn yells: Entering the arena, a paladin who is no stranger to the battlefield or tournament ground, the Grand Champion of the Argent Crusade, Eadric the Pure!
10:48:48 The Alliance spectators cheer for Eadric the Pure.
10:48:48 The Horde spectators cheer for Eadric the Pure.
10:49:21 Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: You may begin!
10:50:31 The Horde spectators cheer for Aprillian.
10:51:01 The Horde spectators cheer for Torree.
10:51:13 Eadric the Pure yells: Prepare yourselves!
10:51:36 Eadric the Pure yells: Hammer of the Righteous!
10:52:09 Eadric the Pure yells: Hammer of the Righteous!
10:52:24 Eadric the Pure yells: I yield! I submit. Excellent work. May I run away now?
10:52:48 Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: Well done. You have proven yourself today-
10:53:20 Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: What is the meaning of this?
10:53:42 The Black Knight yells: This farce ends here!
10:53:43 Garrosh Hellscream yells: Tear him apart!
10:54:19 The Black Knight yells: My rotting flesh was just getting in the way!
10:54:56 The Black Knight yells: I have no need for bones to best you!
10:55:19 The Black Knight yells: No! I must not fail... again...
10:55:25 Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: My congratulations, champions. Through trials both planned and unexpected, you have triumphed.
10:55:31 Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: Go now and rest; you've earned it.
10:55:38 Thrall yells: Well done, Horde!

Logging started on 03/22/2010 at 11:43:07.
12:25:46 Drottinn Hrothgar yells: You dare to challenge Drottinn Hrothgar, king of the seas?

Logging started on 03/23/2010 at 19:47:56.
20:03:17 Elder Nadox yells: The secrets of the deep shall remain hidden.
20:03:24 Elder Nadox yells: The young must not go hungry....
20:03:39 Elder Nadox yells: The young must not go hungry....
20:03:53 Elder Nadox yells: Shhhad ak kereeesshh chak-k-k!
20:04:01 Elder Nadox yells: Master... is my service... complete?
20:05:09 Bonegrinder goes into a frenzy!
20:05:45 Onyxian Whelpling takes in a deep breath...
20:05:51 The hum of magic energy in the air diminishes...
20:06:14 The hum of magic energy in the air diminishes...
20:06:16 Prince Taldaram yells: Intruders! Who trespasses in the Old Kingdom?
20:07:45 Prince Taldaram yells: I will feast on your remains!
20:07:59 Prince Taldaram yells: I am nowhere.... I am everywhere. I am the watcher unseen.
20:08:11 Prince Taldaram yells: So... appetizing.
20:08:14 Prince Taldaram yells: Your heartbeat is... music to my ears.
20:08:23 Jedoga Shadowseeker yells: The elements themselves will rise up against the civilized world! Only the faithful will be spared!
20:08:28 Prince Taldaram yells: Fresh, warm blood... it has been too long.
20:08:29 Prince Taldaram yells: Your heartbeat is... music to my ears.
20:08:45 Prince Taldaram yells: So... appetizing.
20:08:45 Prince Taldaram yells: Still I hunger. Still... I... thirst.
20:10:45 Onyxian Whelpling takes in a deep breath...
20:11:20 Jedoga Shadowseeker yells: Here, on the very borders of his domain, you will experience power you could have never imagined!
20:13:11 Herald Volazj yells: Shgla'yos plahf mh'naus.
20:13:30 Herald Volazj yells: Gul'kafh an'shel. Yoq'al shn ky ywaq nuul.
20:14:19 Herald Volazj yells: Gul'kafh an'shel. Yoq'al shn ky ywaq nuul.
20:15:05 Herald Volazj yells: Iilth vwah, uhn'agth fhssh za.

Logging started on 03/24/2010 at 12:50:23.
13:05:18 Slad'ran yells: Drakkari gonna kill anybody who tressspasss on these landsss!
13:05:26 Slad'ran yells: Minionsss of the scale, heed my call!
13:05:31 Slad'ran yells: A thousssand fangsss gonna rend your flesh!
13:05:50 As Slad'ran falls, the altar set into the floor on his balcony begins to glow faintly.
13:05:50 Slad'ran yells: I sssee now... Ssscourge wasss not... our greatessst enemy....
13:09:09 Drakkari Elemental gathers its mojo and surges forward!
13:09:46 Drakkari Elemental gathers its mojo and surges forward!
13:09:47 As the last remnants of the Drakkari Elemental seep into the ground, the altar set into the floor nearby begins to glow faintly.
13:11:20 Moorabi yells: We fought back da Scourge. What chance joo thinkin' JOO got?
13:11:30 Moorabi yells: Get ready for somethin'... much... BIGGAH!
13:11:36 Moorabi yells: Da ground gonna swallow you up!
13:11:40 Moorabi yells: Get ready for somethin'... much... BIGGAH!
13:11:43 Moorabi transforms into a Mammoth!
13:12:03 As Moorabi falls, the altar set into the floor on his balcony begins to glow faintly.
13:12:03 Moorabi yells: If our gods can die... den so can we....
13:13:46 Something stirs in the pool of mojo...
13:17:01 Gal'darah yells: I'm gonna spill your guts, mon!
13:17:08 Gal'darah yells: KILL THEM ALL!
13:17:25 Gal'darah yells: Who needs gods when we ARE gods?
13:17:32 Gal'darah yells: You wanna see power? I'm gonna show you power!

Logging started on 03/24/2010 at 19:44:11.
20:04:25 Prince Keleseth yells: Your blood is mine!
20:04:28 Prince Keleseth yells: Aranal, ledel! Their fate shall be yours!
20:04:42 Prince Keleseth yells: Not so fast.
20:04:52 Prince Keleseth yells: I join... the night.
20:10:09 Skarvald the Constructor yells: Dalronn! See if you can muster the nerve to join my attack!
20:10:15 Dalronn the Controller yells: By all means, don't assess the situation, you halfwit! Just jump into the fray!
20:10:32 Dalronn the Controller yells: See... you... soon.
20:10:36 Skarvald the Constructor yells: Pfagh! What sort of necromancer lets death stop him? I knew you were worthless!
20:10:47 Skarvald the Constructor yells: A warrior's death.
20:14:28 Ingvar the Plunderer yells: I'll paint my face with your blood!
20:14:46 Ingvar the Plunderer yells: My life for the... death god!
20:14:56 Annhylde the Caller yells: Ingvar! Your pathetic failure will serve as a warning to all... you are damned! Arise and carry out the master's will!
20:15:11 Ingvar the Plunderer yells: I return! A second chance to carve your skull!
20:15:36 Ingvar the Plunderer yells: No! I can do... better! I can...

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