Monday, September 20, 2010

Great Parties

Logging started on 09/20/2010 at 11:47:10.
12:48:52 [Aprillian]: howdy
12:48:58 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: allo
12:49:09 [Cdubs-Thunderlord]: hey
12:49:24 [Nairoby-Ragnaros]: WTB DPS plz ppl
12:50:06 [Aprillian]: wow
12:50:12 [Aprillian]: wtb tank
12:50:54 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: nairoby is fine, this place is cake anways
12:50:55 [Athennea-Gilneas]: WTB Healer
12:51:16 [Aprillian]: lol
12:51:17 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: yea who the hell sees pally healers these days anyways?
12:51:34 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: i forgot pallys could heal
12:51:34 [Athennea-Gilneas]: yeah!
12:51:46 [Nairoby-Ragnaros]: lol
12:56:34 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: why oh why must all of these guys be immune to my spells :(
12:59:44 [Nairoby-Ragnaros]: Recount - Damage Done for Overall Data
12:59:44 [Nairoby-Ragnaros]: 1. Nairoby 1414955 (2303.8, 40%)
12:59:44 [Nairoby-Ragnaros]: 2. Liteneen-Lightning's Blade 844445 (2020.3, 23.9%)
12:59:44 [Nairoby-Ragnaros]: 3. Aprillian-Earthen Ring 741429 (1884.2, 21%)
12:59:44 [Nairoby-Ragnaros]: 4. Cdubs-Thunderlord 452495 (915.5, 12.8%)
12:59:44 [Nairoby-Ragnaros]: 5. Athennea-Gilneas 75883 (210.1, 2.1%)
12:59:47 [Nairoby-Ragnaros]: sorry ppl but i really noob to continue this with this dps
13:00:08 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: wait, did our !@#$ty tank just call us out?
13:00:11 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: and then leave?
13:00:24 [Aprillian]: yep
13:00:36 [Aprillian]: and he wasn't holding aggro all that well
13:00:38 [Athennea-Gilneas]: damn it
13:00:43 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: i was tanking a ton lol
13:00:49 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: Cdubs can you tank?
13:00:59 [Cdubs-Thunderlord]: know my dps sucks...but im trying to get better dps is my secondary...primary is tanking but i dont think mey gear is good enough yet to tank heroics
13:01:12 [Cdubs-Thunderlord]: i can...but my gear isnt great
13:01:12 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: Cdubs, tank it up
13:01:16 [Aprillian]: and no one was dying
13:01:18 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: Atenna got you
13:01:25 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: lets keep rolling
13:01:54 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: hey new tank!
13:02:00 [Cdubs-Thunderlord]: haha
13:02:11 [Cau-Eredar]: zomg hi guys, happy brew fest ...hic!
13:03:27 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: imma switch specs after this pull
13:03:44 [Cau-Eredar]: aaaaaaaaaaappppppppppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrillllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13:03:59 [Athennea-Gilneas]: lol
13:04:05 [Athennea-Gilneas]: i got ape
13:04:08 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: i didnt know i was switching to heals lol
13:04:10 [Aprillian]: thanks
13:04:42 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: k, rock this town
13:04:45 [Cau-Eredar]: ok, being drunk ish getting annoying now ...hic!
13:04:52 [Athennea-Gilneas]: LOL
13:08:48 [Aprillian]: thanks Cau for enchanting
13:09:04 [Cau-Eredar]: GIMME MAH SHARDS!
13:11:54 [Cau-Eredar]: changed my mind, being drunk rocks
13:17:46 [Cau-Eredar]: lulz
13:17:50 [Aprillian]: thanks
13:17:50 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: not easy to heal when everyone stands in the noza
13:17:52 [Liteneen-Lightning's Blade]: *nova
13:18:21 [Cdubs-Thunderlord]: ty

Logging started on 09/20/2010 at 15:53:24.
15:56:16 You receive item: [Ram Racing Reins].
15:58:06 Looting set to Need Before Greed.
15:58:38 You create: [Demonic Soulstone].
15:59:15 You receive item: [Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest].
15:59:17 Thetoolman automatically passed on: [Bubbling Brightbrew Charm] because he cannot loot that item.
15:59:21 Vilenna receives loot: [Tankard O' Terror].
15:59:21 Pallyftw receives loot: [Direbrew's Dire Brew].
15:59:24 Vilenna receives loot: [Emblem of Frost]x2.
15:59:24 Vilenna receives loot: [Direbrew's Bloody Shanker].
15:59:24 Starrfox has selected Greed for: [Bubbling Brightbrew Charm]
15:59:24 Vilenna has selected Greed for: [Bubbling Brightbrew Charm]
15:59:27 Pallyftw has selected Need for: [Bubbling Brightbrew Charm]
15:59:29 You have selected Greed for: [Bubbling Brightbrew Charm]
15:59:29 Need Roll - 86 for [Bubbling Brightbrew Charm] by Pallyftw
15:59:29 Pallyftw won: [Bubbling Brightbrew Charm]
15:59:30 Pallyftw receives loot: [Bubbling Brightbrew Charm].
15:59:34 Starrfox receives loot: [Direbrew's Dire Brew].
15:59:50 Starrfox receives loot: [Direbrew's Remote].
15:59:50 Starrfox receives loot: [Emblem of Frost]x2.
15:59:52 You receive loot: [Direbrew's Dire Brew].
16:01:14 You receive loot: [Emblem of Frost]x2.

Logging started on 09/20/2010 at 15:53:24.
15:59:21 [Aprillian]: really?
15:59:46 [Aprillian]: wow

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