Saturday, September 18, 2010

Violet Hold - Quick and Fast

Logging started on 09/18/2010 at 12:33:44.
You joined channel.
13:06:28 [Aprillian]: Recount - DPS for Overall Data
13:06:28 [Aprillian]: 1. Aprillian 2084.3 (28.5%)
13:06:28 [Aprillian]: 2. Epicgamer-Drakkari 1838.7 (25.1%)
13:06:28 [Aprillian]: 3. Lastbullet-Burning Legion 1832.3 (25%)
13:06:28 [Aprillian]: 4. Joshwah-Laughing Skull 1249.3 (17%)
13:06:28 [Aprillian]: 5. Fresheals-Eredar 307.5 (4.2%)

Logging started on 09/18/2010 at 12:33:44.
12:48:09 [Fresheals-Eredar]: fast run
12:48:17 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: yay
12:48:20 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: ^_^
12:50:48 [Aprillian]: thanks enchanter
12:50:53 [Fresheals-Eredar]: :)
12:51:41 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: wow fail trap
12:53:54 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: well
12:53:59 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: that was interesting
12:54:09 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: rez please?
12:54:14 [Fresheals-Eredar]: woah waht happneed?
12:54:17 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: idk
12:54:25 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: it was like
12:54:35 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: i was taking like 1500 fire damage a second
12:54:36 [Fresheals-Eredar]: did you due after boss died?
12:54:50 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: cause fire damage was increased like 35%
12:54:55 [Aprillian]: we have a debuff
12:55:02 [Fresheals-Eredar]: sorry
12:55:08 [Aprillian]: Cauterized flames
12:58:18 [Lastbullet-Burning Legion]: shadow resistance aura plz pally
13:03:05 [Fresheals-Eredar]: SOUL STONE
13:03:32 [Fresheals-Eredar]: SOULSTONE
13:03:55 [Aprillian]: so sorry
13:04:08 [Fresheals-Eredar]: irs cool
13:04:15 [Aprillian]: I had you in my sight and then clicked off
13:04:22 [Fresheals-Eredar]: we should be fine
13:06:20 [Aprillian]: thank you good run

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